Guia JewelCrafting WotLK 1-450 «Actualizada»


Item List:

  • 50 x [Delicate Copper Wire] You make 20
  • 40 x [Copper Bar]
  • 30x [Malachite]
  • 40x [Bronze Bar]
  • 20x [Shadowgem]
  • 40x [Bronze Setting] (You make 20 of these so you only need to buy 20)
  • 60x [Silver Bar]
  • 80x [Heavy Stone]
  • 30x [Moss Agate]
  • 40x [Mithril Bar]
  • 140x [Mithril Filigree] You make 20, Keep them
  • 80x [Truesilver Bar]
  • 100x [Jade]
  • 100x [Vision Dust]
  • 10x [Thorium Bar]
  • 75x [Thorium Setting]
  • 25x [Star Ruby]
  • 20 x [Large Opal]
  • 20x [Azerothian Diamond]
  • 60x [Huge Emerald]
  • 20x [Golden Draenite]
  • 20x [Fel Iron Bar]
  • 20x [Azure Moonstone]
  • 10x [Deep Peridot]
  • 40x [Mercurial Adamantite]
  • 5x [Shadow Pearl]
  • 20x [Adamantite Bar]
  • 70x [Dark Jade]
  • 10x [Shadow Crystal]
  • 40x [Huge Citrine]
  • 20x [Eternal Earth]
  • 40x [Monarch Topaz]
  • 20x [Forest Emerald]
  • 40x [Titanium Bar]
  • 20x [Earthsiege Diamond]
  • 40x [Dragon’s Eye]
  • 40x [Eternal Fire]
  • 40x [Eternal Shadow]
  • 20x [Titanium Bar]
  • 10x [Frozen Orb]

Apprentice JewelCrafting (1-75)

Go ahead and learn Apprentice Jewelcrafting from a list of these trainers and pick up new designs..

  • 1-20 The first thing you will want to make is 20 x [Delicate Copper Wire] You will need 40 x [Copper Bar]. (Keep these)
  • 20-50 Now make 30 [Malachite Pendant] You need 30x [Malachite] and 30x [Delicate Copper Wire]
  • 50-70 Go ahead and make 20 x [Bronze Setting] using 40x [Bronze Bar]. Keep the Bronze Setting for the next item.
  • 70-80 Now make 10 [Gloom Band] For this you need 20x [Shadowgem] 20x [Delicate Copper Wire] and 10x [Bronze Setting]

Journeyman Jewelcrafting (80-155)

Now learn Journeyman Jewelcrafting and pick up new designs.. A list of trainers can be found here.

  • 80-110 Make 30 [Ring of Silver Might] You will need 60x [Silver Bar]
  • 110-120 Now make 10 [Heavy Stone Statue] You should use 80x [Heavy Stone]
  • 120-150 For these levels make 30 x [Pendant of the Agate Shield] You need 30x [Moss Agate] and 30x [Bronze Setting] These are the best option and are sold by (horde) Jandia in Thousand Needles and (Alliance) Neal Allen in Wetlands
  • If you would rather just buy the recipe from a regular trainer make 30 [Moonsoul Crown]using 120x [Soul Dust] 120x [Silver Bar] 90x [Lesser Moonstone] 90x [Small Lustrous Pearl] and 60x [Mana Potion]
  • 150-170 Now make 20 [Mithril Filigree] You will need 40x [Mithril Bar] KEEP THEM

Expert JewelCrafting 160-225

Go ahead and learn Expert JewelCrafting now and pick up new designs.

  • 170-200 At these levels make 30x [Engraved Truesilver Ring] using 60x [Mithril Filigree] and 30x [Truesilver Bar]
  • 200-225 Go ahead and make 25x [Figurine – Jade Owl] You need 100x [Jade] 100x [Vision Dust] 100x [Mithril Filigree] and 50x [Truesilver Bar]
  • 225-235 Make 10x [Thorium Setting] You will need 10x [Thorium Bar] KEEP THESE

Artisan JewelCrafting (230-300)

Now go and learn Artisan Jewelcrafting from the appropriate trainer and learn all the new designs. This is where some of the materisla start getting reeeally expensive. If you need gold be sure to check out the gold guide or the review here.

  • 235-260 Make 25x [Ruby Pendant of Fire] You need 25x [Star Ruby] and 25x [Thorium Setting]
  • 260-280 Now craft 20 [Simple Opal Ring] using 20 x [Large Opal] and 20x [Thorium Setting]
  • 280-290 Craft 10 [Glowing Thorium Band] with 20x [Azerothian Diamond] and 10x [Thorium Setting]
  • 290-310 This is kind of a crappy part as we will be creating this item through orange as usual, but now through yellow till it turns green. That means at 300 it will turn yellow, so it will take 2 maybe 3 crafts to level up. The other options are going to blackrock depths and preying for a drop. So make around 30x [Emerald Lion Ring] using 60x [Huge Emerald] and 30x [Thorium Setting]

Master JewelCrafting (305-375)

Go and learn master jewelcrafting and all the new recipes and designs.

  • 310-320 Make 10x [Golden Draenite Ring] You will need 20x [Golden Draenite] and 10x [Fel Iron Bar]
  • 320-330 Now craft 10 [Azure Moonstone Ring] You must use 20x [Azure Moonstone] 10x [Fel Iron Bar] and 10x [Deep Peridot]
  • 330-335 Now make 5x [The Black Pearl] You will use 20x [Mercurial Adamantite] and 5x [Shadow Pearl]
  • 335-350 Craft 20x (give or take a few) [Heavy Adamantite Ring] That will require 20x [Adamantite Bar] and 20x [Mercurial Adamantite]
  • 350-370 Make 20 [Dark Jade Focusing Lens] Use 20x [Dark Jade]
  • 370-380 Go ahead and make 10x [Shadow Jade Focusing Lens] You will need 10x [Dark Jad] and 10x [Shadow Crystal]

Grand Master Jewelcrafting (380-450)

Go and learn grand master jewelcrafting, learn all the new recipes while you are there.

  • 380-400 Make 20x [Jade Dagger Pendant] using 40x [Dark Jade]] 40x [Huge Citrine] and 20x [Eternal Earth]
  • 400-420 Now make 20x [Figurine – Monarch Crab] Using 40x [Monarch Topaz] 20x [Forest Emerald] and 40x [Titanium Bar]
  • 420-440 For these levels you can make 20 [Persistent Earthsiege Diamond] using 20x [Earthsiege Diamond]

These are grinding methods using only a few recipes. There are many more recipes if you want a variety which can be found here.

  • From 440 – 450 the designs you need will require Dalaran Jewelcrafting Tokens. You can find the quests you need to do to obtain those tokens at the link. Yeah so like I just said you need to do some quests to obtain the Dalaran Jewelcrafting Tokens. Then you need to go to Tiffany Cartier in Dalaran and buy one of the Jewelcrafting designs that will get you to 440-450.
  • 440-450 I would make 10x [Titanium Impact Band] using 40x [Dragon’s Eye] 40x [Eternal Fire] 40x [Eternal Shadow] 20x [Titanium Bar] and 10x [Frozen Orb]


Bueno como ves aunque la guia esta en ingles se entiende a la perfecction, suerte y enhorabuena ya eres 450 jewelcrafting 😀